100th anniversary of the Russian Club


On Saturday, October 5 (beginning at 1 p.m.), the Russian Club in Strathfield will host a solemn event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Club Library.

100th anniversary of the Russian Club



Probably everyone already knows about the Anniversary Dinner on October 20, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Club in Sydney and about another significant event related to its library. We remind you of the celebration of the library anniversary in early October.


On Saturday, October 5 (beginning at 1 p.m.), the Russian Club in Strathfield will host a solemn event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Club Library and its opening after the renovation of the premises and the reconstruction of its book fund.


The celebration will be opened by librarian Lubmila Angus. The library will be consecrated by a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.


All lovers of Russian literature and the history of our Russian presence in Australia, and in particular the history of our club, are invited to this landmark event in the history of the club and its club library.


When our Russian Club celebrated its various anniversaries in the past, our local poets dedicated their poems to the club and its library. At this Library Centenary Celebration, our two very talented poets in Sydney – Zhanna Alifanova and Vitaly Patryn – will be following this tradition by presenting their two new poems dedicated to our library.


The author of this article, Alexei Ivachev, a former deputy librarian, will present his new reworked video, which he prepared specifically for the celebration of the library's 100th anniversary.


At the beginning, he will share some details about another Russian club, the existence of which he discovered while researching the Australian archives. And this, we can probably say the first Russian club in Australia, was created in Sydney back in 1909, did not exist for long.


The video will tell in some detail with illustrations about the chairmen of the club from 1924 to its founding until its move from the city to Strathfield, who they were when they arrived in Australia, and about their final resting places. This is about V.G. Starshinov, L.S. Svidersky, G.A. Davidenkov, A.T. Gorbov, A.N. Morozov, A.L. Bolonkin, N.P. Khokhlov


With pictures and excerpts from the Australian press, there will be an account of three devastating fires (in 1930, 1934 and 1950), with some detail about the first on 1 April 1930 at 700 George Street, which destroyed all the club's property, including the library.


An explanation is given when and under what circumstances the club was reformed into the Russian House.


And, of course, in this video, its author will talk about the heads of the library during these 100 years, which we know about, about the hardships and problems that they had to face. Also from where and when they arrived in Australia, where the departed are buried. These are about Anna and Pyotr Stepanov, about Alexander Morozov, Angelina Sokolova and Yuri Domansky, Victoria Vatner.


And there will also be a story about the past rich book collections of the library, about their fate and about what remains in the library today.


The program will feature the author's presentation of the book "New Tales of Oz" by Alexander Buryak, 2023 edition.


Our Russian Public Library at the Russian Club needs our support to ensure that it continues to function for the benefit of our community in the future.


Come, and we will all celebrate this wonderful centenary together. Let's meet, talk, exchange opinions and ideas and just have a good time. You will not regret it. Admission is only $15 with tea or coffee at half-time and optional for an additional fee for pies and possibly other delicacies


Inquiries from the club, the directors of the board and Ludmila Angus (0451 058 155).


Alexey Ivachev,





For interest, here are two articles about the formation of a Russian club in Sydney in 1909. They will be mentioned in the video.


1. An article entitled "A Russian Club" in the Sydney newspaper "The Daily Telegraph" of May 31, 1909. Below is a full translation into Russian.


"Yesterday afternoon, a meeting of Russians living in Sydney was held at the Queen's Hall to discuss the creation of a club. Mr. George Avdakov chaired a meeting of about 30 people, and after a lengthy discussion, a club was formed, with Mr. Avdakov as President, Mr. John Carloff as Vice-President, and Mr. J. Avdakov as Secretary. Patake (J. Patake). These officers, together with Mr. J. J. Grulen formed a temporary committee. The meeting was postponed until next Sunday, when the issue of club rules will be discussed.


The discussion was at times heated, an attempt was made to introduce a socialist element into the charter of the club. The leader of this section was a young man whom one of the audience described as "the same as Tom Mann". However, opposing views prevailed, and it was decided to exclude politics from the club altogether, since the goals of society were to unite compatriots socially and to collect information that would be useful to new immigrants, especially those whose knowledge of English was insufficient. The beginning was very dignified, and there is hope that the number of those present at the postponed meeting will be higher."


2. And the report of the newspaper "The Sydney Morning Herald" of July 5, 1909 under the headline "The Russian Club".


"About 30 members of the newly formed Russian Club met again yesterday afternoon at Queens Hall. Mr. J. Pataka presided, and it was decided in the future to call the society a mutual aid club, and not just a club to help Russian immigrants, as it had been before. The club's broad goals — to avoid politics and help newcomers get jobs and learn English — remain unchanged. In order to encourage the comparative study of the two languages, a resolution was adopted to create a library of Russian and English books."