"Musical Island"- The concert of creativity and inspiration by Natalie Mitz
Sunday, 24 March 2024 1:00 PM
‘Musical Island’ gathers musicians and other creatives to showcase the best music and art works featuring the most powerful expression of human’s soul – creativity.
This event combines music performances and an engaging presentation of the fantasy novel ‘Musical Island’ by its author, Natalie Mitz
Being a passionate musician and creative leader for more than 20 years, Natalie envisages music as a path of instilling emotional well-being and a positive mindset in children and adults alike.
The program will feature classical music and songs as Natalie ‘s inspiration for her own original music and works.
The audience will be mesmerised by the beautiful pieces of Schumann, Shostakovich, Shopen, Glinka along with some interesting original works by the contemporary composers of XXI century.
To get a gist of Natalie Mitz’s music please visit her website https://nmitz.com/
To book tickets please call the mob. 0415 971 915
Or through link https://www.trybooking.com/COSWJ